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Monday, November 21, 2011 @4:15 PM
Studying here in the United States is like a dream come true, but alas some things are always surprising.
So you know how fascinated I always in the movies, granted some things are like the movies but wow, wow, you should see how Caucasians are fascinated with the Asians. I love how they think Asians don't want to mix with them but it's vice versa whereby the Asians dare not mix with the caucasians. Perhaps there are a few in the world who don't want to mix around but for the most part, I think a lot of them don't think the caucasians or the blacks wants to mix with them. Whether cultural differences, or language barrier it's rather interesting to find out that the Americans really really wanna mix with the Asians but are for the most part afraid too. They always comment how the Asians are always sticking together, or how every time the caucasians say hi to them they look away and walk faster. Well, I think they are just 'shy,' or in Singapore terms 'pai seh.' I know my mum would comment that they are Chinese educated.
Personally, I think it's cause of the culture differences some times. Like how Americans are more laid back in their work and Asians are supposedly more 'hardworking.' (Well for most Asians anyway, I'm the exceptional since I'm mostly very laid back as I tend to be very Americanized. )